Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Jeremy and I have never had Christmas at our home before, or any real tradition of our own. With the exception of our very first married Christmas, we have never even exchanged gifts at our home. We always just go to our parents' homes. We decided that our kids are getting old enough that we need to start something at home. Yet, we are trying to stick to our buget. So, this year we are doing "The Hooper's 12 days of Christmas." So far, it is going very well. Every other night the kids open one item that is something we do as a family...either a book or game. Then, on the opposite nights we are making projects for other people....trying to instill the art of giving and doing for others. And each night we have a special drink as we are doing this. Egg nog, sparkling grape juice, hot cocoa, wassil, etc. The kids are loving it. And we have found that by spreading it out like this, they really get to enjoy the gifts they do receive. Instead of just opening and then moving to the next one. We either read it or play it as a family. And, though we were afraid of not buying much for our kids...they are having Christmas for 12 days! And they have been just as excited about making things for others. We shall see how it goes as they get older. But this season has been very special. Jeremy and I are so blessed with our family....our little treasures. At the close of another year we look back and see how much our Heavenly Father has loved on us all year! Hope you have the time to see your blessings too!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy 30th Susie!

Monday Susan, Jennifer, Eden and I went to Ft. Smith to celebrate Susan's 30th Birthday! It was a great "girl's day out." We went to Hobby Lobby, Bath & Body Works, Red Lobster, and of course Starbucks. Jeremiah said that Susan celebrated all week. Well, I can't blame her. Congratulations on such a great milestone. We love you!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cruise in Feb. '08

I know that it has been 9 months, but I am still having dreams that we are back on the boat. Our cruise in February was one of the best things Jer and I have done. It was our first vacation as a couple. We went with our close friends Jeremiah and Susan Brewer, and Jerod and Jennifer McPherson. These are just a few of the 300 pictures I have. But it highlights the incredible time we had. These are of the boat and in Jamaica. We also went to Grand Cayman and Cozemel. Lately, we have been wanting to go again...some day.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tired Girls

Both the girls are so tired right now. Vivie is flinging her glove. (her favorite pasttime) Eden keeps looking up at Gaven then burying her face in the blanket.

Last week was CMA's changing of the colors rally. Here, Eden was telling Marleen a very big story. She didn't seem to care that a man from Nambia was speaking...she thought she had something more important to say. Jerr wants me to note that she was wearing her razorback beanie. :)

Made you smile

Eden is 4 months old now. Every day she is changing, yet one thing stays the same. She brings a smile to everyone she sees. What a darling. Her hair is starting to grow back in now...and she is going to be a blondie. Her eyes are now a precious baby blue. too cute

Gaven is mr. Soccer. His goal is to be faster than everyone else on the field. Sometimes when the kids are kicking the ball in, Gaven will start running to the other side of the field, just to be the first one down there. If he scores lots of goals...that is just a bonus. We only have 2 games left until next spring. Then he will be 6 and will move up an age group. Now he is the oldest kid on the team, then he will be the youngest...hopeully that will be a good learning experience for my VERY competitive son.